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Cis-male • He / Him
Windclan apprentice
11+ moons


​Holly is a very trusting cat initially, willing to take in whatever information that is given to him. He's not the most talkative cat and tends to be more of a listener than anything else. If somehow you break his trust he's unlikely to ever trust you again. At that point he might even cut you out completely.



Hollykit was the product of an affair his mother had with her mate's brother. Despite this his upbringing was pretty normal, at least until his mother introduced him and his sister to their dad. Right from the start something was off, his uncle and mom were acting weirdly around each other and it was painfully obvious something had happened between the two. Hollykit didn't care much though. One day he snuck out on his own to meet his father, but instead met up with his uncle, who revealed to him that he was actually his father, not Crow. His mother quickly showed up and did as much damage control as she could before Hollykit ran off. That night Hollykit moved his nest to a secluded corner of the Windclan nursery, away from his mother and sister. He didn't know how to feel about the fact Snape was his father, he felt lied to by his mother, which hurt him the most and was the reason he began to pull away. As his apprentice ceremony approached his mother began to see less and less of him. He was busy making friends and talking to the cats around him, preparing for his apprenticeship.


He was made an apprentice and assigned to Tawnyowl, though she didn't meet him at his ceremony. His first training session was when his mother took him and his sister out hunting. They had a fun competition and ended up bringing home plenty of prey. A few nights later he met a tom named Sparrowpaw who he immediately felt some sort of connection to him. They snuck out of camp to watch fireflies, confirming their connection, at least to Hollypaw.​ Life continued as normal for a bit, Holly got really into his training, finishing all sessions, including his assessment by the age of 10 moons. He recently found out his mother is expecting another litter, which is information he currently doesn't really know what to do with.



Hollypaw icon.png

Hollykit > Hollypaw > Hollyhawk

Interpersonal Relationships

Mother: Daywhisper ( Mine / Active )  |  Father: Snape ( @Strawberry_SpookyBear / Active )

Adoptive father: Crow ( @Strawberry_SpookyBear / Uncle / Active ), Whiteflame ( @Festive_Cherry / Active )

Littermates: Fallenpaw ( @Crown_Sage / Active )

Siblings: On the way

Crush: Sparrowpaw ( @RainFall Wonders / Active )

Mate: //


Mentor: Tawnyowl ( @Splitmoon / Active ) 

Daywhisper ( Mine / Unofficial / Active)

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